Advancing peace and human rights through the power of technology.
JustPeace Labs supports ethical and responsible approaches to technology deployed in high-risk settings. Our work advances peace and human rights protections around the world.
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Ethics & Human Rights
Promoting ethical & responsible approaches to tech in complex, high-risk settings through advocacy, awareness raising and research. We provide in-depth conflict-sensitivity analyses based on community-centered, participatory methods. With our partners, we are co-creating a community of practice and expertise and undertaking grass-roots-level projects to strengthen democracy and peace.
Technology Development Lab
Creating custom, targeted software tools using innovative technologies for deployment in high-risk settings. We provide engineering and technical advice on cutting-edge tech tools. Our tools are co-created with the communities who use them.

Democracy & Peace
An innovative combination of software, analysis, and community activism to address the biggest threats to democracy and peace: dis/misinformation and hate speech. Our participatory approach and novel technology strengthen democracy and promote sustainable peace.

Ethical Guidelines
Our ethics tools help civil society, companies and investors and donors introduce tech in complex settings ethically and in a way that respects human rights. We help our partners work through complicated scenarios and plan for potential ethical dilemmas.

Technology & Fragility
A diverse group of stakeholders working together to ensure that companies introducing new technologies into high-risk settings do so with the utmost responsibility and accountability. Check out our briefing paper on Technology in Conflict.

Technology in Fragile Contexts: Engagement, Partnerships, and Positive Action
This briefing paper examines how we can build multi-stakeholder partnerships to bolster the contribution of technology to peace and human security. It sets out key initial steps to improve coordination between stakeholders and fill gaps in research, understanding, and policy.

Conflict Sensitivity for the Tech Industry
In this briefing paper, we examine the critical questions of why the technology industry should mitigate the risks of doing business in conflict-affected or high-risk areas and how it can do so.

Ethical Guidelines for PeaceTech
A practical guide to ethical peacetech designed for peacebuilders, human rights defenders, and development specialists who want to use ICT in their work. Here they can find guidance on how to ethically and responsibly incorporate innovative technology in their work.
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